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  • Embracing the New Era – The freedom of choice in event participation

    The event management industry is undergoing a profound transformation driven by digitalization. As a professional with more than 20 years of experience, I have witnessed this shift firsthand and can confidently say we are entering an exciting new era. This era offers participants unparalleled freedom of choice by integrating live and online event versions. The advantages of this hybrid model are promising enhanced accessibility, engagement, and insights through advanced analytics.

    In this article, we will explore these benefits and present statistical data to illustrate digital events’ growing trend and impact.

    Here are some key advantages:

    • Increased Accessibility: Virtual components eliminate geographical and logistical barriers, enabling global participation. According to the Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA), 79% of organizers believe hybrid events increase attendance.
    • Enhanced Engagement: Digital tools such as live chats, polls, and virtual networking enhance participant interaction. The Event Manager Blog reports that 88% of organizers found improved engagement during virtual events.
    • Cost-Effectiveness: Hybrid events reduce travel and accommodation expenses for attendees and lower operational costs for organizers. EventMB found that 63% of event professionals reported cost savings with hybrid events.
    • Flexibility and Convenience: Attendees can choose to participate live or virtually, and access recorded sessions on-demand, providing flexibility for busy professionals.

    Due to advantages, we gain some strong impacts on:

    • Attendance Trends: Eventbrite reported a 65% increase in overall attendance for hybrid events, with 59% of virtual attendees being new to the event.
    • Digital Engagement Metrics: Bizzabo found that virtual event attendees spent an average of 68 minutes per session, indicating high engagement.
    • Advanced Analytics: Detailed data on attendee interactions help refine future events. Freeman reports that 89% of organizers see data analytics as crucial for event planning.

    New trends are pushing us to understand the importance of embracing new business models and tools where we focus on:

    • Personalization: Using data analytics to create tailored experiences.
    • Enhanced Networking: Improved virtual networking with sophisticated algorithms.
    • Sustainability: Reduced carbon footprint through hybrid events.
    • Integration of Emerging Technologies: Augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI) will enhance hybrid events.

    The digitalization of event management offers unprecedented freedom and improved experiences, making hybrid events a dynamic and inclusive model for the future.

    Reševanje strahov pri ustvarjanju hibridnih dogodkov

    V vedno spreminjajoči se industriji dogodkov je rast hibridnih dogodkov — kombinacija fizičnega ter virtualnega dogajanja — vznemirljiv trend. Vendar pa se številni organizatorji soočajo s strahovi in negotovostmi pri ustvarjanju teh dogodkov. Spodaj obravnavamo štiri pogoste strahove in ponujamo praktične rešitve za njihovo premagovanje.

    Tehnološki izzivi in zanesljivost

    • Strah: Organizatorji so zaskrbljeni zaradi kompleksnosti in zanesljivosti tehnologije, potrebne za hibridne dogodke.
    • Rešitev: Sodelovanje z uporabniku prijaznimi tehnološkimi platformami, kot je Confiva, saj zagotavljamo ustrezne teste in vaje s strani podpore našega event manger-ja.

    Povečani stroški in dodelitev virov

    • Strah: Hibridni dogodki se zdijo dražji zaradi potrebe po fizičnih in virtualnih postavitvah.
    • Rešitev: Izkoristite prihranke pri stroških zaradi zmanjšanega potovanja in fizičnih virov. Razmislite o sponzorstvih in partnerstvih, specifičnih za hibridne dogodke, da bi pokrili predvidene dodatne stroške.

    Težave pri angažiranju in interakciji

    • Strah: Ohraniti enako angažiranost za fizične in virtualne udeležence je lahko izziv.
    • Rešitev: Izkoristite interaktivne funkcije platform, kot so virtualne seje, ankete, Q&A, da zagotovite, da se vsi udeleženci počutijo vključene in cenjene.

    Merjenje uspeha in ROI-a

    • Strah: Negotovost glede merjenja uspeha in ROI-a (v slovenščino: donosa na investicijo) hibridnih dogodkov.
    • Rešitev: Določite jasne metrike in ključne kazalnike uspešnosti (KPI v agleščini) za fizične in virtualne komponente dogodke. Uporabite analitična orodja na platformi za spremljanje angažiranosti in udeležbe ter zbirajte povratne informacije udeležencev preko funkcije anket za nenehno izboljševanje in dokazovanje vrednosti.

    Vredno si je zapomniti: Prehod na hibridne dogodke lahko predstavlja izzive, vendar jih je mogoče učinkovito obvladovati s skrbnim načrtovanjem in pravo platformo. Naslavljanje tehnoloških skrbi, obvladovanje stroškov in spodbujanje angažiranosti so ključne naloge za organizatorje. Uporaba platforme Confiva lahko pomaga premagati te izzive in omogoči organizatorjem izkoriščanje številnih prednosti, ki jih ponujajo hibridni dogodki. Sprejemanje tega formata ne le širi doseg, ampak tudi izboljšuje celotno izkušnjo dogodka za vse udeležence.

    Addressing the fear of creating hybrid events

    In the ever-evolving event industry, the rise of hybrid events — combining in-person and virtual experiences — represents an exciting trend. However, many organizers face fears and uncertainties when creating these events. Below, we address four common fears and offer practical solutions to overcome them.

    Technological challenges and reliability concerns

    • Fear: Organizers are concerned about the complexity and reliability of the technology required for hybrid events.
    • Solution: Collaboration with user-friendly technology platforms like Confiva, ensuring appropriate tests and rehearsals, and support from our event manager.

    Increased costs and resource allocation

    • Fear: Hybrid events seem more expensive due to the need for both physical and virtual setups.
    • Solution: Leveraging cost savings from reduced travel and physical resources. Consider hybrid event-specific sponsorships and partnerships to offset additional costs.

    Engagement and interaction difficulties

    • Fear: Maintaining equal engagement for in-person and virtual attendees can be challenging.
    • Solution: Take advantage of interactive and inclusive experiences, such as virtual networking sessions, Q&A opportunities, and engaging content delivery, to ensure all participants feel involved and valued.

    Measuring success and ROI

    • Fear: Uncertainty about how to measure the success and return on investment (ROI) of hybrid events.
    • Solution: Define clear metrics and KPIs for in-person and virtual components, use analytics tools to track engagement and participation, and gather feedback in poll features from attendees to improve and demonstrate value continuously.

    Keep in mind the following: Transitioning to hybrid events may pose challenges, but with careful planning and the right platform, these obstacles can be effectively managed. Addressing technological concerns, managing costs, and fostering engagement are crucial tasks for organizers. Utilizing Confiva’s event manager can help overcome these challenges, enabling organizers to capitalize on the numerous benefits that hybrid events offer. Embracing this format not only broadens the reach but also enhances the overall event experience for all participants.

    10 korakov za uspešnejše mreženje na dogodkih s Confivo

    Živi dogodki in konference ponujajo edinstveno priložnost udeležencem, da se povežejo, delijo ideje in napredujejo v svoji karieri. Vendar pa je navigacija skozi gnečo in istočasno sodelovanje na dogodkih lahko zahtevno. Da bi kar najbolje izkoristili te dogodke, je ključno obvladati umetnost mreženja.

    Aprila smo se udeležili Dani Komunikacija v Rovinju in se zavedamo težav pri mreženju na dogodku in spremljanju strokovnih vsebin istočasno.

    Ta članek predstavlja dragocene nasvete in strategije, ki vam bodo pomagali izboljšati vašo izkušnjo mreženja in doseči uspeh tako na živih ter virtualnih dogodkih. S prehodom skozi spodnjih 10 korakov imate možnost, da ustvarite pomembne povezave in dvignete svojo kariero na naslednjo raven.

    Raziskava govorcev in udeležencev:

    • Pred dogodkom poiščite informacije o govorcih in udeležencih, da prepoznate potencialne povezave, ki se lahko udeležijo dogodka.
    • Sledite jim na družbenih omrežjih in se vključite v njihove vsebine, da vas lažje prepoznajo na dogodku.

    ”Dvigalo” predstavitev:

    • Pripravite kratko in zanimivo predstavitev, ki poudarja, kdo ste in kaj počnete.
    • Vadite predstavitev, da naredite močan prvi vtis.

    Udeležitev na sejah in delavnicah:

    • Aktivno sodelujte na sejah in delavnicah, da se povežete z enako mislečimi udeleženci.
    • Postavljajte vprašanja, delite misli in se poskusite povezati z govorci in udeleženci.

    Dogodki namenjeni mreženju:

    • Udeležite se dogodkov za mreženje, kot so koktajl ura, sprejemi in večerje.
    • Prihajajte do posameznikov ali skupin z zanimivimi vprašanji, da začnete pogovore in gradite odnose.

    Telesna govorica:

    • Bodite pozorni na svojo telesno govorico, da boste delovali dostopno in prijazno.
    • Ohranjajte očesni stik, se smejte in uporabljajte odprte geste, da izražate samozavest in toplino.

    Izmenjava kontaktnih podatkov:

    • Izmenjajte vizitke ali kontaktne informacije s tistimi, ki jih spoznate.
    • Na hrbtni strani vizitk ali v telefon si zapišite ključne podrobnosti o vsakem stiku, ki ga vzpostavite.

    Orodja za mreženje:

    • Uporabljajte konferenčne aplikacije ali platforme za mreženje (kot je naš Confiva platforma), da se povežete z udeleženci pred, med in po dogodku.
    • Načrtujte sestanke ali kavice s potencialnimi sodelavci ali mentorji.

    Bodite dostopni:

    • Ne oklevajte vzpostaviti pogovora z drugimi, tudi če na dogodek prihajate sami.
    • Približajte se skupinam z odprtim umom in se pridružite razpravam, ki so v skladu z vašimi interesi.

    Predajte vrednost v pogovoru:

    • Ponudite pomoč ali zanimiva dejstva, ki bi bili lahko dragoceni za druge.
    • Aktivno poslušajte.

    Ostanite radovedni:

    • Bodite radovedni glede izkušenj, perspektiv in strokovnih vpogledov drugih.
    • Mreženje obravnavajte kot priložnost za učenje in profesionalno rast.

    Vse zgoraj navedene nasvete je mogoče prav tako upoštevati na virtualnem dogodku, kar omogoča še lažje mreženje in »klikanje« podobno mislečih udeležencev. Zato pri Confivi podpiramo organizacijo hibridnih dogodkov. Udeležencem omogočite izbiro med udeležbo v živo ali na spletu in dovolite vsem udeležencem, da upoštevajo naše nasvete omreženja v živo ali virtualno!

    Maximizing Connections with Confiva’s 10 steps Networking Checklist

    Live events and conferences offer a unique opportunity for attendees to network, share ideas, and advance their careers. However, navigating through crowded venues and engaging sessions can be challenging. To make the most out of these events, it’s crucial to master the art of networking.

    We attended Dani Komunikacija this April in Rovinj and we know the struggle of managing enjoying the event and simultaneously networking and expanding professionally.

    This article presents valuable tips and strategies that will help you enhance your networking experience and thrive in live or virtual event settings. By going through 10 steps below you have the potential to create meaningful connections and take your career to the next level.

    Research Speakers and Attendees:

    • Look up speakers and key attendees beforehand to identify potential connections.
    • Follow them on social media and engage with their content to establish familiarity.

    ”Elevator Pitch”:

    • Prepare a concise and engaging elevator pitch that highlights who you are and what you do.
    • Practice delivering it confidently to make a strong first impression.

    Breakout Sessions and Workshops:

    • Participate actively in breakout sessions and workshops to engage with like-minded professionals.
    • Ask questions, share insights, and connect with speakers and fellow attendees during these sessions.

    Networking Events:

    • Attend networking events such as cocktail hours, receptions, and dinners.
    • Approach individuals or groups with open-ended questions to initiate conversations and build relationships.

    Body Language:

    • Pay attention to your body language to appear approachable and friendly.
    • Maintain eye contact, smile, and use open gestures to convey confidence and warmth.

    Exchange Contact Information:

    • Exchange business cards or contact information with people you meet.
    • Take notes on the back of business cards or on your phone to remember key details about each contact.

    Networking Tools:

    • Use conference apps or networking platforms (like our Confiva) to connect with attendees before, during, and after the event.
    • Schedule meetings or coffee chats with potential collaborators or mentors.

    Be Approachable:

    • Don’t hesitate to initiate conversations with others, even if you’re attending the event alone.
    • Approach groups with an open mind and join discussions that align with your interests.

    Give Value:

    • Offer assistance or share resources that may be valuable to others in your network.
    • Actively listen for opportunities to provide help or support to your connections.

    Stay Curious:

    • Be curious about others’ experiences, perspectives, and industry insights.
    • Approach networking as an opportunity to learn and grow professionally.

    All of the steps above can be covered as well on a virtual event, making it even easier to network and ”slide into DM’s” of similar-minded attendees. That is why we at Confiva support the organization of hybrid events. Make attendees choose whether to participate in person or online and allow all of the attendees to tick their in-person or virtual Networking Checklist!

    Importance of hybrid events

    Almost 2 years of post-Covid event activites showed us a new direction of better, more analytical and sustainable hybrid model that keeps offline and online attendees together. Beside exploring new models and being sustainable the whole industry aims to gain a bigger reach and revenue stream.

    Hybrid events became important for several reasons, as they offer a combination of both in-person and virtual elements. By knowing this facts we want to point-out some key reasons why hybrid events have become increasingly important:

    Increased Accessibility:

    Hybrid events allow participants to attend either in person or virtually, expanding the reach of the event to a wider audience. This is especially important for people who may face travel constraints, such as those with busy schedules, budget limitations, or health concerns.

    Cost Savings:

    Hybrid events can be more cost-effective for both organizers and attendees. Virtual attendance eliminates travel expenses, accommodation costs, and other associated expenses. This can make events more accessible to a broader audience and may encourage increased participation.

    Adaptation to Changing Circumstances:

    Hybrid events provide a level of adaptability, enabling organizers to respond to unforeseen circumstances such as travel restrictions, weather events, or global health crises. This adaptability ensures that events can proceed in some form even when faced with challenges.

    Enhanced Engagement:

    Virtual components of hybrid events often include interactive features like chat rooms, Q&A sessions, gamification and polls, which can enhance participant engagement. Hybrid formats also allow for a variety of content delivery methods, such as pre-recorded sessions, live streams, and interactive workshops.

    Increased Sponsorship Opportunities:

    Hybrid events create additional opportunities for sponsors and exhibitors. Virtual components can provide new ways for sponsors to engage with participants, showcase products, and gather data. This expanded reach can be appealing to sponsors looking for diverse ways to connect with their target audience.

    Environmental Sustainability:

    Reducing the need for travel and physical resources can contribute to a more environmentally sustainable event. Hybrid formats can help minimize the carbon footprint associated with large gatherings, aligning with growing concerns about sustainability.

    Data and Analytics:

    Virtual components of hybrid events generate valuable data and analytics. Organizers can gather insights into participant behavior, preferences, and interactions, allowing for better-informed decisions and improvements in future events.

    Long-Term Growth and Innovation:

    Embracing hybrid event models encourages innovation in event planning and delivery. The incorporation of technology and virtual platforms can lead to the development of new ideas, formats, and experiences that contribute to the long-term growth and evolution of the events industry.

    In summary, hybrid events offer a dynamic and inclusive approach to event planning, catering to diverse participant needs and circumstances. The combination of in-person and virtual elements provides organizers with greater flexibility and the potential for broader impact.

    Safeguarding Your Digital Experience

    In an era dominated by virtual connectivity, online event platforms have become the backbone of seamless interactions, bringing people together from across the globe. While these platforms offer incredible opportunities for engagement and collaboration, the paramount concern for both organizers and participants remains the protection of sensitive data. As we step into the digital realm, Confiva, as your trusted online event platform, places data privacy at the forefront of our mission.

    The Essence of Data Privacy

    Data privacy is not merely a regulatory obligation; it’s a commitment to respect the integrity of personal information. At Confiva, we recognize the significance of preserving the trust our users place in us. We understand that your data is not just a collection of ones and zeros; it represents the essence of your identity, and we are dedicated to safeguarding it with the utmost diligence.

    ISO 27001 Certification: Elevating Security Standards

    Confiva is proud to announce its ISO 27001 certification, a testament to our unwavering commitment to data security. This international standard for information security management system (ISMS) ensures that our platform adheres to rigorous security protocols. By achieving ISO 27001 certification, Confiva demonstrates its dedication to implementing and maintaining robust information security controls, guaranteeing the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data.

    Transparent Data Practices

    Transparency is key in fostering trust. Confiva is committed to providing clear and concise information about our data practices. Our privacy policy is easily accessible, outlining how we collect, use, and protect your data. We believe in empowering our users with knowledge, enabling them to make informed decisions about their participation on our platform.

    Granular User Controls

    We understand that each user’s comfort level with data sharing varies. That’s why Confiva provides granular user controls, allowing individuals to customize their privacy settings according to their preferences. Limiting the visibility of personal details has been a function in Confiva from the very first event.

    Compliance with Global Standards

    Confiva is committed to upholding the highest standards of data protection and privacy regulations. Our platform adheres to global compliance requirements such as GDPR, CCPA, and ISO 27001, ensuring that your data is handled with the care and respect it deserves, regardless of your location.

    Continuous Improvement

    The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and so are our efforts to fortify data privacy. Confiva is dedicated to continuous improvement, regularly updating our security measures and privacy practices, including those aligned with ISO 27001, to stay ahead of emerging threats. Your safety is our priority.

    Navigating the Future with Confidence

    As we navigate the digital future together, Confiva stands as your reliable partner, committed to creating an online event experience that not only connects people but also prioritizes the security of their data. With ISO 27001 certification, end-to-end encryption, transparent practices, granular user controls, and compliance with global standards, Confiva ensures that your virtual journey is not only enriching but also safeguarded. Join us in shaping a future where online interactions are not just seamless but also synonymous with trust and privacy

    New new new features on Confiva!

    Hello and welcome again to a new segment of: What’s up?!”

    Virtual studio
    Go live directly from our platform. Speak before thousands of participants withou any additional video production costs.

      • Use case:
        Ideal for strictly online events and DYI organizers who are not afraid to use the full potential of the Confiva platform.
      • *Can be used by professional organizers, but we do recomend a video production team for any complex events.

    Reduced stream lag!
    No more stream delay! We have chopped the latency from 20-30 seconds down to the bare minimum. Bringing speakers closer to attendees than ever before.

      • Use case:
        Ideal for online events or simple events that want more real time interaction and have a larger ammount of viewers. Reduced lag shortens the time of response to comments and polls so speakers can react quicker. This should make the event more fluid and unobstructed.

    New and improved video Sessions
    New and improved video sessions are here. Host workshops, brainstorms or meetings in our huge group video rooms. Chat in real time and directly with up to 100 participants.

      • Use case:
        Ideal for smaller video to video group calls of up to 30 participants, these are meetings, brainstorms, workshops or sponsor interactions. Event tho the capacity is over 199 we do not reccomend these areas for such numbers. Better to reccostages in this case.

    Chat, Pin and Like, no need to subscribe.
    Pin your most important comments and like the ones… you like, kinda simple.

      • Use case:
        Ideal for clients that have live streams and want interaction. Pinning a post in lobby or a stage can also be a reminder or instructions for guests.

    More power to Showrooms!
    Let attendees connect directly to your exhibitors or sponsors by starting a meeting straight from the showroom. Showroom hosts can schedule calls, answer questions in our Q&A module and inform visitors with a pinned post in the chat.
    Oh, and we almost forgot, the showroom menu now lets you group your showrooms together and set them in any order possible.

      • Use case
        Ideal for fairs and events with multiple sponsors. Start a meeting button allows a quick response from the sponsors or exhibitors to any question your attendees might have.ve.

    You win or you learn!
    Analyze, plan and improve your event experience based on real data! Learn more and make better decisions for your next event!

      • Use case:
        Ideal for data driven events that want to understand the . IMPORTANT: This is not personal data and can be viewed by any moderators of your events.

    Never miss an event… never ever
    Don’t let your event goers forget about your event. Every invitation mail is equipped with the add to calendar option.

      • Use case:
        Ideal for events that do not have a mailing tool. This should increase the attendance as fewer attendees will forget about the event as they can add it to any calendar.

    Super safe with Confiva. We are ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Cerified.
    We made sure your data and attendee privacy is safe and we can prove it. Confiva is certified with the ISO 27001 standard (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)

      • Use case:
        The ISO standard is an international standard that confirmes that the company is constantly monitoring and improving their system of data and personal data protection. This is ideal for government institutions, big companies, banks and other clients that value privacy and security.

    Now we are moving towards the next phase of Software infrastructure optimization, making Confiva faster, more robust and ready for our next big update we are planning in the future.

    New integration – Confiva Virtual Studio

    Confiva has a new integration. We have added Zoom as our Virtual Studio so you can feel right at home while going live. Streaming your content and hosting your speakers will be only a few clicks away.

    Adding the App

    To add the Confiva Virtual Studio app to your Zoom account, follow these steps:

    • Login to app.confiva.com
    • Click on a selected stage with enabled virtual studio.
    • Click on the “Enter the Virtual studio” button inside the green banner (Only visible to predefined groups).

    • Click “Authorize Zoom” and then click “Allow”

    • Your app should now be added and ready to use inside Confiva Virtual Studio.


    • Joining

    Zoom meetings are automatically created when adding stages, so all you need to do is join the meeting and click “Continue” after completing the above steps for adding the app.

    • Signing out

    If you want to change Zoom accounts, instead of clicking “Continue”, click “Sign out” and join with another Zoom account (provided that you add the app again).

    Removing the App

    To remove the app from your Zoom account, follow these steps:

      1. Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace.
      2. Click Manage >> Added Apps or search for the “Confiva Virtual studio” app.
      3. Click the “Confiva Virtual studio” app.
      4. Click Remove.

    5 tips to increase attendee interaction on your next online event

    Simply streaming a discussion or a lecture may be enough for some of the events, but that makes them less engaging and less memorable. For an event to be successful, it has to drive engagement. But bear in mind—online guests are different from offline guests in so many ways. Their attention span, for example, is much shorter, and they are harder to keep engaged.

    The same basic principles of engagement apply to online and offline events. You need to engage your guests with original and creative content, offer them something in return for their attention and add a human aspect to the equation. Nevertheless, we still witness event teams and organizers shying away from the challenge. Why?

    The first reason is the fear that online environments lack that in-person or human touch, which is often the key to driving engagement. The second reason is the limited functionalities of online event platforms. That is why Confiva offers so much more. For example, stand-alone interactions in our Showrooms section give you countless engagement possibilities to draw in your attendees. On top of that, we will let you in on a small-trade secret! Intertwining interactions with the program and offering short breaks for specific discussion time slots with speakers increases engagement, especially if the speakers are the ones who invite and incentivize the attendees.

    Now, let’s get down to driving that engagement!

    1. Engage your guests with original and creative content

    When it comes to interactions, you need to be mindful of the visual elements. Graphical elements can substitute many event features, which are only available in the physical world. For example, in-person events can entice all of your senses, while digital ones are limited to the visual and sound specter and effects. Therefore, the design team plays a vital role in adding a creative flair to boosting interactions at your event. If you play your cards right, you can create a lasting impact using the visual elements only.

    2. Gamify your event experience

    Games provide simple ways to draw more attention to your sponsors or give you a chance to examine your attendee’s knowledge of specific topics. Our platform offers a variety of games that you can easily integrate into your showrooms. For example, Confiva enables you to run a short quiz after a lecture or allows your attendees to be playful and relax with a fun game after a heavy debate. Both functionalities are available directly on the Confiva platform.

    Gamification, in general, does not mean using only video games to create more traction for your partners. With just a little bit more planning, you can create a platform-wide interaction with active scoreboards. Make attendees spot different objects in the live stream or search for clues in ongoing lectures. Using this technique, you can connect all areas of the Confiva platform and engage every guest.

    3. Online event hosts

    Increase your engagement rate by offering an in-person contact. When it comes to interactions or simple event information—it is always good to have a human counter-side to answer any questions. We advise all our clients to enlist the help of PR professionals for in-platform communication. They offer information about the event and answer any questions your attendees might have. If possible, include one PR professional on every stage to interact with attendees about content-related and sponsor questions.

    4. Combine

    Recently, we are noticing a lot of 1-dimensional interaction. That means that only one engagement is planned throughout the event, which in some cases can be enough, but only if it’s thoroughly and well designed.

    We strive for more. When it comes to Confiva, we want our attendees locked to their screens, enjoying every second of the online event. To achieve this goal, we must combine and align multiple elements and plan the interactions to complement each other. Having multiple interactions that don’t have any coherence can create aconfusion and oversaturate the experience. Managing that risk is easiest with a well-thought-out engagement plan for your event. Here is a checklist for you to go through:

    • Design engagements
      • Search for the interest points of your attendees and get creative.
    • Find engagement fits for your sponsors
      • Align your engagement with the goal of your sponsor. Extra income is always welcome.
    • Engagement overview
      • Write down all the interactions you are designing and review their impact.
    • Set a timetable for engagements
      • Plan the engagement activity. The plan must be as clear and straightforward as possible.
    • Communicate
      • Inform your staff about the planned engagements and work closely with your online host on clearly announcing them.

    5. Have a cause

    This one is important. If your alignment with a cause is purely based on the financial gain we would recommend finding another one. Your reason behind each engagement should be to strive to add value to your attendees and the community.

    Aligning engagements with a good cause is the cherry on top of a well-built-up plan of engagement. The incentive is much bigger when we know that we are helping others.

    Well, we have come to the end of the list. Fijuu… that was a long one right? But you made it. Now you are also equipped with the knowledge and know-how to start engaging your attendees at your next big event!

    So roll up your sleeves and get to it.

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