Success stories





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Regional Web Conference

Mercator is the largest employer and leading retailer in Slovenia and, more broadly, in the Adriatic region.

In order to advance business growth and development, it was necessary to transfer the ownership of shares in Mercator to a newly established holding company called Fortenova, a process which also included a restructuring of long-term financial commitments.


Organizing an online regional press conference after the transfer of ownership for the media and key stakeholders.


The premium digital platform, Confiva, handled both viewing and participation in the press conference. Viewers could watch the business conversation among top managers of Fortenova and Mercator, in four languages, while journalists had the chance to ask questions in real time. This online press conference was actively followed by more than 100 journalists from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro.

Mercator needed a communications solution that would function in real time with media from all the markets in which it operates.

The concept was born of a digital format television show to which journalists could contribute live, from three countries, built around a studio conversation between the managers of Fortenova and Mercator. Sixty minutes of quality, original content was viewable on the digital platform, Confiva, through which viewers could choose their preferred language, among Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian and English, covering the bases for the entire Adriatic region.

This type of conceptual and content design, rethinking what a press conference can be and using technology integrally, represents the zenith of contemporary corporate communication.

100 journalists from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro attended the conference

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